
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

- Helen Keller

Through researching, designing and delivering the Home Build Mentoring services, I have developed some super handy reference tools that I know can be useful for you and your project/s. Here I will share with you those tools so that together we can start taking control of our custom build and renovation projects- Right from the very start.

Project Forecast Calculator

Builders, architects and building designers, use this ‘Project Forecast Calculator; to predict the cost of your past projects in today’s conditions. By applying the percentages of increase advised by the ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) for 'House Construction Australia', we can estimate what the cost of your past projects would likely be today.

There are no projects that you will now as intimately as the ones you have worked on personally. And we reference those project’s in todays conditions, it can help to build the expectations of your current and future clients.