Trusting Your Gut

Your heart knows what it wants, your head assesses the risk, and your gut balances the two. Let's talk about that for a second.

Your Heart Knows What it Wants.

When undertaking a new custom build or major renovation, a lot of heart is involved. You may have waited a long time to create your dream home and will likely have grand visions for its scale and finishes. Having that excitement and enthusiasm for your project is invaluable, but leading with only your heart is a dangerous game. Your heart might know what it wants, but you must also match that desire with a calculated budget. If we don't, the path can quickly lead to a dead-end or huge debt far more than anticipated  

Your Head Assesses the Risk. 

Creating a new custom or undertaking a major reno might be something you do only once in a lifetime. And if residential building is not your area of expertise, you don't know what's ahead of you. This is where Home Build Mentoring comes to the fore. I have the experience and knowledge to forecast the potential investment of money, time and energy required. With this feasibility in front of you, your head can assess the risk and viability of your intentions. It's certainly not the most exciting part of the journey, but knowing your numbers is crucial to the success of your project.  

Your Gut Balances the Two.  

Knowledge is power. When we combine your heart's desire with your project's feasibility, you will know, in your gut, if your ultimate brief is an actual goer or a pie-in-the-sky idea. Blindly following your heart's desire in the hope that it will magically meet an inconceivably low budget will never fair well. Forced reductions and changes late in the process will feel like a devastating compromise where you will always dream of the home you were meant to have, as opposed to the one you ended up with. But when we devise a strategy that can lead to an incredible new home that is both gorgeous and buildable to an acceptable budget, you will know in your gut that you are onto a winner.  

Creating a new home specifically for you and your family can be one of the most enriching experiences when actioned effectively and intentionally. So, what do you say- Shall we do it together? I'll match your big dreams with industry experience, and together we can direct your project to success.  


Christmas isn't about Presents or Perfect Homes.


Builders are Sick of Being the Bad Guys