The 'WHY' of your Home Build Project

Are you familiar with Simon Sinek's 'The Golden Circle'? It is a model detailed in his best-selling book 'Start With Why', and the sentiment of the model is entirely relative to creating a new home or undertaking a major renovation.

When kicking off a new home project, your natural sense is to start with WHAT you want to build, then go about HOW to make that happen. Your WHY tends to come last and is lesser considered. With this line of thinking, the golden circle generally look something like this;

In the Home Build Mentoring program, we flip this on its head and start with your WHY. Your WHY is nearly always about people and how you want to use your home. It's the purpose or reason for undertaking the project. And with this line of thinking, the golden circle tends to look more like this;

Your WHY becomes the overarching intention for your project and our true measure of success. HOW you go about instigating your project or WHAT you are creating may need to adjust as we apply real learnings of industry conditions throughout the program. But so long as your WHY statement remains intact, we know we are on the right track.

So tell me, do you know the WHY of your project? What is your overarching intention?


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