New Year, New Home- Didn't you say that last year?

There is something about a fresh new year that brings about a great sense of opportunity and excitement. So we jump out of bed with a bit of spring in our step and fist pump the air- This will be an amazing year! We will get fit, lose weight, get that promotion, be the best partner/parent, and finally start that new home or renovation project.  

Come 18th January, the fist pump has become more of a head scratch as we wonder how to set those grand plans in motion. The new year can quickly settle into the same stale pattern from last year, and unless we start to take deliberate action, we will blink, and it will be June.  

I'm certainly not the right person to develop your fitness plan or advise you on losing weight- It is not my area of expertise. For that, you would likely start by engaging with a personal trainer, nutritionist, or health professional. But if you want to begin actioning your plans for a new custom build or reno, then I'm your girl.  

When considering a new home build or renovation, homeowners historically begin by reaching out to builders, architects or building designers- Only to find themselves quickly in a jumbled mess of conflicting advice. For this reason, I developed the Home Build Mentoring program to support homeowners in creating a customised implementation strategy right from the get-go.  

Of late, countless homeowners are finding themselves in the devastating position of arriving at the construction stage with the relative design, documentation and permits- Only to find that the quoted build cost is far more than expected. When this happens, the options are limited and far from ideal;

  • Abandon the project

  • Return to the drawing board and significantly reduce the proposal

  • Trump up and spend far more than anticipated (If available).

Home Build Mentoring is your safeguard against this happening to you. It enables you to take the reins and control the outcome of your project by creating an implementable strategy. A strategy that will be welcomed by your chosen design and build teams when you arrive with your brief aligned with your budget right from the start.  

The buck stops with the homeowner. Sure your builder will be disappointed they didn't get to construct your home, and your designer will be disappointed not to see their vision become a reality. But you, the homeowner, will be left most devastated as your investment of time, money and ambitions for a new home come to a grinding halt.

So let's make 2023 count and take hold of the reins.  


How long is a piece of string?


Christmas isn't about Presents or Perfect Homes.