Invest To Save

A question from the administrator piqued my interest on a FB building page just the other day. They asked their community, 'What's the one thing anyone undertaking a new home build or reno should know?'

Here are a few comments from a long list of homeowners that appear somewhat jaded by the process. 

- 'It's expensive.'

- 'It always takes longer than you think.'

- 'Don't use FB and expect to get accurate answers.'

- 'Expect delays.'

- 'Don't always go with the cheapest option.'

- 'Your first idea is not always the best.'

- 'Have a budget, add 20% for contingencies and then another 20% for contingencies on the contingencies'

- 'Make sure a professional recommended isn't a relative of the referrer.'  

- 'It's going to cost more than you think.'

- 'Unless you have a bottomless wallet, be prepared to compromise. Your taste is likely more expensive than you think.'

I empathise with their struggles. The building industry is complicated at the best of times, but never so much as right now. Hearing many stories of similar woe became the catalyst for designing my Home Build Mentoring program. However, when we plan the path to success together, these reflections need not exist for you. 

Undertaking a new custom build or major reno may be something you only do once or twice in a lifetime, so it's only natural not to 'know the ropes'. Becoming an expert in managing the process after the fact is a redundant notion; we need to get you the right info right from the start.  

Home Building Mentoring is for proactive approach for homeowners who want to; 

  • Be supported with one-on-one project-specific advice

  • Feel confident and in control

  • Align their brief and budget from the outset

  • Get on the same page as their significant other

  • Action their project efficiently

  • Complete the project within a determined timeframe

  • Engage with the best-suited design and building professionals

  • Come out the other side smug, with a stunning home and their relationship intact!

The time, money and energy you invest in Home Build Mentoring will save you tenfold in time, money and stress.  

Winging it is a risky game, as the homeowners responding on the Facebook page discovered. Wouldn't you like to be on the front foot?  


Are you waiting for Constructions Costs to come back down?


Adapting to Your Environment